Welcome to your Audora!

You Partner in Smarter Auditing

Discover the Tools to Streamline Your Compliance Journey with Audora

Getting started with Audora is simple. Explore our Launch Kit to see how you can seamlessly onboard yourteam and achieve cost-effective, efficient auditing.

Get up to Speed with Your Audora Success Leader

When you join Audora, you’ll be assigned a Success Leader to guide you every step of the way. From seamless onboarding to ongoing support, they’re here to ensure your team achieves efficient and cost-effective auditing with ease.

Launch Kit Contents


Yourname Launch Kit Assets Folder, including:

  • Auditor and Administrator Launch Checklist

  • Audora Overview Presentation Slides

Key Resources

Your Audora Launch Kit

Welcome to your Audora!

We’re excited to have you join our community. To kickstart your audit automation journey, we’ve prepared a comprehensive launch kit filled with resources tailored to successfully integrate your Audora into your team and for your clients. 

For you and your team, we’ll step you through our Launch Kit Principles that will make this process a success: Plan, Prepare, Proceed, Promote, and Profit. With these Principles, you’ll find it easier than ever to harness the full potential of your Audora. Let’s get started!

So what’s next?

To start, let's first explore the Launch Kit Principles. Then we’ll utilize the Getting Started guide to navigate the steps required to effectively implement the initial three Principles.

This approach sets the stage for a successful launch and completion of your first audit in your Audora!


Send an email to support@goaudora.com We’re here to help!

Launch Kit Overview

Understanding the Launch Kit Principles will help with effectively launching, supporting, and expanding your Audora for both your team and your clients. For each one, we’ll outline:

  • An overview of each Principle

  • Who is responsible for supporting the execution, and

  • Estimates for the level of effort to complete.

  • What is it to Plan?

    • Focus on the pre-requisites and any discussions to determine needs for your Audora

    Who is responsible for executing?

    • Auditor App Admin, Team Leads

    What is the level of effort to Plan?

    • 30 minutes to an hour of time for the entire team

  • What is it to Prepare?

    • This Principle focuses on your Audora deployment and training your team on how to use your Audora

    Who is responsible for executing?

    • Auditor App Admin, Audit Signer, Audit Reviewer, Audit Analyst, Auditee Stakeholder, Auditee Evidence Gather

    What is the level of effort to Prepare?

    • Configuration:

      • < 30 minutes

    • Setting up report and systems description templates:

      • 1 - 3 hours

    • Setting up mapping templates:

      • Audora Connect (e.g. Vanta) engagements: 15 min

      • Non-Audora Connect engagements: 3 - 5 hours

    • Training:

      • 1 - 2 hrs (depending on role)

  • What is it to Proceed?

    Focus on preparing, executing and completing your first audit with your Audora

    Who is responsible for executing?

    The entire team

    What is the level of effort to Proceed?

    • First Audit Setup

      • Audora Connect (e.g. Vanta) engagements: .5- 1 hour

      • Non-Audora Connect engagements: 2 - 3 hours

    • Execution

      • Time varies based on audit type and audit approach

  • What is it to Promote?

    • Focus on promoting the use of your Audora internally and with your clients

    Who is responsible for executing?

    • Auditor App Admin, Audit Leads, Sales Team

    What is the level of effort to Promote?

    • Time varies depending on marketing efforts and use of your Audora

  • What is it to Profit?

    • Use of Audora lowers your audit execution cost, saves you time and effort to focus on value added activities

    Who is responsible for executing?

    • Auditor App Admin, Audit Leads, Sales Team, Executive Team

    What is the level of effort to Promote?

    • Time varies depending on use of your Audora

Getting Started

You’re now ready to get started with your Audora! If you need more details, check out your Audora Launch Kit Assets Overview

Execute the steps below and notify your Audora Success Leader when complete or as you have any questions along the way.


  1. Refer to your Auditor and Administrator Checklist for Planning efforts that include pre-requisites and configuration details.  

  2. Review your Audora roles below and identify the team that is going to help launch your Audora platform and your team members who are going to use the platform.


  1. Complete the pre-requisites in Plan.

  2. Configure your Audora using your Auditor and Administrator Checklist and supporting launch kit materials including your Audora Connect (e.g. Vanta), reporting, and mapping templates.

  3. Prepare to share your Audora Overview Deck, FAQs, and how to training videos.

  4. Team members review and complete all of your Audora materials and How to Guide’s for setting up your first audit.

  5. Notify your team to Prepare them for your Audora deployment, their roles and where materials are stored.


  1. Complete the pre-requisites in Prepare.

  2. Proceed in creating  your first audit and invite your team and clients.

  3. Complete your first audit using your Audora.

  4. Provide feedback and send questions to the Audora team at support [at] goaudora.com

How To Training Videos That Include

Short Audora Preview

  • Audora Overview

  • Setting Up Vanta Integration

  • Creating an Exception

  • Filling out the Template

  • Audit Signer Reviewing Criteria

  • Editing a Report

  • Audit Signer Creating an Engagement

  • Adding Auditors

  • Auditee Training

  • Testing a Control

  • Auditee View

  • Audit Reviewer Reviewing

Your Audora Roles

Each user has a role in your Audora. Please review the roles so you can set your team up for success.

  • What does this role do?

    The Auditor App Admin is a user at the audit firm who gives your auditors access to your Audora.

    Who is in this role?

    IT/firm lead for your audit firm.

    How does this role get access?

    Access is given by your Audora Success Leader.

  • What does this role do?

    The Audit Signer is the member of the audit team who creates engagements on your Audora. This role assigns the Audit Reviewer(s), Audit Analyst(s) and the Auditee Stakeholder to each engagement, reviews criteria, and generates the final report.

    Who is in this role?

    Partner or signer.

    How does this role get access?

    Access is given by the Auditor App Admin.

  • What does this role do?

    The Audit Reviewer is an auditor whose main role is to review controls and mark up exceptions. This role also has the ability to review evidence requests and tests controls.

    Who is in this role?

    Director/manager or lead auditor.

    How does this role get access?

    Initial access is given by the Auditor App Admin. The Audit Signer then gives the Audit Reviewer access to a particular engagement.

  • What does this role do?

    The Audit Analyst is an auditor who tests controls, reviews evidence, and marks up exceptions. This user also has the ability to review controls.

    Who is in this role?

    Associate, senior associate, or staff auditor.

    How does this role get access?

    Initial access is given by the Auditor App Admin. The Audit Signer then gives the Audit Analyst access to a particular engagement.

  • What does this role do?

    The Auditee Stakeholder is member of the auditee company who invites the Auditee Evidence Gatherers to an engagement on your Audora, collects evidence to upload to your Audora, and responds to any questions about evidence.

    Who is in this role?

    Auditee audit coordinator.

    How does this role get access?

    Access is given by the Audit Signer when the engagement is created.

  • What does this role do?

    The Auditee Evidence Gatherer is a member of the auditee company who collects evidence to upload to your Audora and responds to any questions about evidence.

    Who is in this role?

    Auditee SMEs, developers, or your IT team.

    How does this role get access?

    Access is given by the Auditee Stakeholder.

Marketing Launch Guide

You’re now ready to take your Audora to the next level! If you need more details, check out your Audora Launch Kit Assets Overview


  1. Promote the use of your Audora internally and with clients using our incentive ideas and supporting marketing materials.

  2. Improve the audit experience with all of your clients saving time, effort and cost that will help realize higher profit margins for all of your audits.


  1. Your Audora can enable you to streamline your audit program and offer other value added services that you can begin to profit from quickly and easily.

  2. Thought about expanding your auditing practice, your Audora continues to add new frameworks with tools to help your team quickly become auditing leaders.

Continuous Support

Please email support [at] goaudora.com

Now that you're set up, it's time to add more engagements to start auditing!

To set up a new engagement a client using your Audora Connect (e.g. Vanta), no mapping template is needed and you can even use the same report and system description templates.

For a new engagement that doesn’t use your Audora Connect, you need to make a copy and fill out the mapping template (we can re-use previous templates) and notify your Audora Success Leader when it is complete.