Chris Watson Chris Watson

Guidelines for Configuring Audora Connect / Vanta Integration

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Audora Connect integrates the platform with the leading compliance automation tool Vanta.  

Through Audora Connect, auditors can pull policies, tests, and standard evidence requests from Vanta into Audora’s collaborative dashboard, resulting in:

  • Time and effort saved for auditors and auditees, who no longer need to bounce between multiple compliance platforms;

  • Reduced time and resources spent on training auditing teams to use multiple tools; and,

  • Improved continuity for organizations, which can rely on Audora as a single, unified solution.

We have outlined the pre-requisites and processes for configuring Audora with your Vanta Auditor instance.

Pre-Requisites for Vanta Integration

As the auditor app admin, you will need your audit firms client ID and client secret in order to utilize Audora’s integration, Audora Connect. Audora needs your client ID and client secret information. Below are steps on how to get this information from Vanta. Once you input the information using the steps below, you will be able to pull information for your auditees from Vanta upon engagement creation. 

Enable your Vanta Auditor dashboard to support creation of an “Auditor API”

  1. Login into your Vanta account as an Auditor

  2. Go to the left hand side of the screen to navigate to the “Auditor API”

    1. If you can see this, you will be able to set up your Vanta instance to integrate with Audora

    2. If you can’t see this, you will need to contact your Vanta relationship manager to enable this on your auditor dashboard

Once your Vanta instance is enabled, you create your Audora Connect integration to Vanta.

Ensure your Vanta audit client has authorized you to access their Vanta audits 

Even though you are now synced with Vanta, you will not be able to set up your Audora audit engagement to sync with your audit client unless you are authorized to do so.

If you have worked with this client before in Vanta, you will be authorized and able to set up the audit in Audora.

Typically, this is established already if you plan to do the audit using Vanta but wanted to ensure you were authorized or Audora will not be able to create an audit for this audit client.  

Creating your Audora Connect Integration to Vanta 

  1. Login into Audora as the Auditor App Admin

  2. From the dashboard, select the integrations button on the left hand side

  3. The integrations screen will come up providing you with a box to create your Vanta Integration

  4. Log into your Vanta Auditor instance

  5. Go to the “Auditor API” on the left hand side of the screen

  6. Click on “Create” on the top right hand side of the screen

  7. Enter a “Name” and “Description.” It does not matter what you enter here. 

    1. We suggest using something that will remind you this is your Audora Application integration

  8. Click on the application you created

  9. Copy the client ID into the Audora integrations page

  10. Click “Generate client secret” and copy this information into Audora into the Audora integrations box

  11.  Click on “Connect” 

  12.  A green box will appear in Green showing you are successfully connected

You are now ready to setup your first engagement.

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Chris Watson Chris Watson

Creating Your First Audit on Audora Guide - Auditors & Auditees

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Plan and Prepare for the First Audit

Before you create your first audit, please verify you have reviewed and completed action items related to Plan and Prepare launch principles.

Auditor App Admin

  • If using Vanta, ensure you have successfully set up your Audora Connect integration with Vanta. Click Guidelines for Configuring Audora Connect / Vanta Integration.

  • The Auditor App Admin has set up and invited at least 3 individuals (3 separate emails) to support the audit in Audora.

  • One individual must be designated as the Audit Signer. When inviting please select the Audit Signer button in the bottom right hand corner.

Note: We require this to align with AICPA regulations to have separate roles in support of an audit. However, if you have the same person executing multiple roles, you can use the email alias feature if your email platform allows for it or alternatively create a unique email address.

  • Provide your success manager with your Report and System Description Template to be uploaded (self-service feature coming soon!). Links to examples are provided on your launch site.

  • If you are not using Vanta, provide your success manager with your completed Engagement Mapping template. Links to examples are provided on your launch site. Not required if your client is using Vanta.

  • Identify an audit for a client and be prepared to create an audit in Audora with details regarding the audit from names and descriptions to report dates.

  • Identify 2 client contacts for the audit to be the Stakeholder and Evidence Gatherer. Evidence Gatherer is not required as the Stakeholder can act as an evidence gatherer if needed.

Note: Once identified, proactively reach out to them know they will receive an email to create a login for Audora along with details providing an Audora overview, FAQs, and how to training videos for Auditees. Sample email communication provided in your Audora Shared folder found on your launch site.

Proceed with your First Audit

Audit Signer

  • Go to and log into Audora.

  • Select Dashboard tab on the left.

  • Select Create Engagement.

  • Complete the Engagement Details section.

  • Complete the Audit and Engagement Information section.

  • Complete Assign Roles to Team section.

    • Users will have been invited to Audora by the Auditor App Admin. If this has not been completed, creation of the audit will fail.

    • The same user cannot be both the Audit Reviewer and Audit Analyst must be unique email addresses.

  • Select Create Engagement. A pop up will appear stating the engagement was completed successfully.

  • Select Engagements Tab on the top left. You should see your engagement in the dashboard list.

  • Click on the Engagement.

  • You will be prompted to invite the Auditee Stakeholder before you are able to access the engagement details to start the audit process.

    • Auditee Evidence Gatherer is not required as the Auditee Stakeholder.

Audit Reviewer

  • Go to and log into Audora.

  • Select Dashboard tab on the left.

  • Click on engagement to open it.

  • Select Tasks on the left to determine tasks assigned to you.

Audit Analyst

  • Go to and log into Audora.

  • Select Dashboard tab on the left.

  • Click on engagement to open it.

  • Select Tasks on the left to determine tasks assigned to you.

Auditee Stakeholder

  • Go to and log into Audora.

  • Select Dashboard tab on the left.

  • Click on engagement to open it.

  • Select Tasks on the left to determine tasks assigned to you.

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Katie Bialy Katie Bialy

Integrations - Vanta REST API Key

Integration information for Vanta

As the auditor app admin, you will need your audit firms client ID and client secret in order to utilize Audora’s integration, Audora Connect. Audora needs your client ID and client secret information. Below are steps on how to get this information from Vanta. Once you input the information using the steps below, you will be able to pull information for your auditees from Vanta upon engagement creation.

  1. Go to the left hand side of the screen to navigate to “Auditor API.” If you do not see this on the left hand side of the screen, reach out to Vanta to enable this on your auditor dashboard.

  2. Click on “Create” on the top right hand side of the screen.

  3. Enter a “Name” and “Description.” It does not matter what you enter here.

  4. Click on the application you created.

  5. Copy the client ID into the Audora integrations page.

  6. Click “Generate client secret” and copy this information into Audora into the Audora integrations box.

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